
Forecastica is the most advanced AI/ML powered mobile stock forecasting and technical analysis platform that puts you in the fast paced world of virtual global stock trading. Gain access to 5 years of historical stock price data and 30 day stock price forecasts powered by AI/ML that are based on our proprietary machine learning and neural networks model. Our stock symbol database includes roughly 200,000 stock symbols spanning 92 of the most well known global stock exchanges in the world . Each forecast day also includes a BUY, HOLD and SELL trading signal that is based on our proprietary trading signal machine learning algorithm. Our AI/ML powered trading signals are based on mathematically predicted turning points (relative minimum or maximum value of stock quotes vs. time)

Our proprietary model is based on artificial intelligence, machine learning and neural networks. Simply put, our AI/ML powered stock forecasts are driven by cutting edge pattern recognition that enables our model to identify stock-purchasing trends. It then provides an objective recommendation on what action to take with any given stock given via BUY/HOLD/SELL trading signals.

INCREASE YOUR INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE with our powerful and proven AI/ML powered stock price forecasts and trading signals.

Traders are ranked based on their Sharp Ratio. The Sharpe Ratio is a well-known and well-reputed measure of risk-adjusted return on an investment or portfolio. It was developed by the economist William Sharpe. The Sharpe Ratio evaluates the total performance of an aggregate traders investment portfolios. If a trader only has one trade their Sharp Ratio will be zero because more than one trade is necessary to calculate the Sharp Ratio. Click on screenshots below to see screens in more details and functionality.

Forecastica ScreenShots

Forecastica is the most advanced virutal trading platform in the world. You can also view other traders portfolios, stocks and trades. Traders are ranked based on their Sharp Ratio. The Sharpe Ratio is a well-known and well-reputed measure of risk-adjusted return on an investment or portfolio. It was developed by the economist William Sharpe. The Sharpe Ratio evaluates the total performance of an aggregate traders investment portfolios. If a trader only has one trade their Sharp Ratio will be zero because more than one trade is necessary to calculate the Sharp Ratio.
Track stock index news across the most well known indexes in the world which include FTSE 100, FTSE 250, Dow Jones, NASDAQ, S&P 500, Hnag Seng, Nikkei 225, German Dax, Belgium 20 and Netherlands FTI.
Track Stock Indexes
View your stock holdings as you make stock trades across 200,000 stocks spanning 92 of the most well known exchanges in the world!
Create multiple portfolios to track your holdings and trades while analyzing total loss/gain.
View stocks in your portfolio and track total loss/gain
Advanced History Chart with end of day close price, volume with tons of indicators filter by 5 days, 1 month, 3 month, 1 year, 2 year, 3 years and 5 years
Advanced History Chart with end of day close price, volume with tons of indicators filter by 5 days, 1 month, 3 month, 1 year, 2 year, 3 years and 5 years
Biggest Movers color coded tiles show daily stock price movement for all companies across your portfolio.
10, 20 and 30 day AI/ML powered stock forecast along with AI/ML powered BUY, SELL, HOLD recommendations. Vector shows expected forecasted price movement as a percentage.
Check out the 30-day stock forecasting table with BUY, SELL and HOLD recommendations based on our proprietary AI/ML model that is based on machine learning and neural networks
Buy, sell stocks and track transaction profit loss/gain
Create multiple portfolios to track your favorite stocks
Track stock index news
Track stock forecasts for roughly 200,000 stocks spanning 92 of the most well known stock exchanges in the world!
Track stock news for roughly 200,000 stocks spanning 92 of the most well known exchanges in the world!

About jCentricity

We are a software consulting group that specializes in the design of large scale enterprise and mobile applications.

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The material provided by the Forecastica application is for general informational purposes only. No information generated by this App is intended as investment, tax, accounting or legal advice,as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy securities, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. The information given by this App should not be relied upon for purposes of buying, selling or holding securities or other investments. Forecastica does not assess or guarantee the suitability or profitability of any particular investment or mix of investments. Before making any investment, you should consult with a qualified financial advisor to assist you in developing a personalized financial plan.